8-10 June 2022
CNR, sede centrale
Europe/Rome timezone

Current challenges in the understanding and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease: limitation and perspective of nanomedical approaches

10 Jun 2022, 11:45
Sala Convegni (CNR, sede centrale)

Sala Convegni

CNR, sede centrale

Piazzale Aldo Moro,7 - 00185, Roma, Italia.


Maria Laura Giuffrida (National Council of Research, Institute of Crystallography (IC), Catania)


Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. This common form of dementia is suffered by tens of millions of people worldwide and there are still no treatments available that can cure the disease. A survey of the current understanding of AD pathology and an overview of the old and new strategies proposed will be discussed in light of the main advantages/limitations for future therapeutic applications

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