Crosscutting technologies in biosensing for agro-environmental and biomedical applications

1 Jul 2022, 14:50


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Dr Viviana Scognamiglio (Institute of Crystallography, CNR, Italy)


Biosensors are extraordinary devices that arise from a synergistic combination of established scientific knowledge and cutting-edge technologies, including nanotechnology, biotechnology, rational design, and materials science (1-3).
This cross-disciplinary approach actively contributes to the customization of diverse biosensors with improved analytical performance. Indeed, nanomaterials such as carbon black, gold nanoparticles, and graphene, have proved their potential to enhance the sensitivity of such analytical tools, providing a large surface area for bioreceptor immobilization as well as higher electron transfer and thus improved opto-electrochemical signals (4,5).
In addition, different artificial molecules such as aptamers, peptidomimetics, molecular imprinting polymers (MIPs), and peptide nucleic acids (PNAs), can be nowadays designed and synthesized with tailored features of stability and affinity towards a specific target (6,7). Moreover, many innovative materials
can be exploited for biosensor configuration, including paper as a sustainable and smart substrate for bioreceptor immobilization, microfluidic design, and sample treatment (8). Finally, pioneering strategies for bioreceptor immobilization demonstrated to improve standardization and repeatability
in the realization of biosensors (9). In this scenario, the last trends on biosensors developed for environmental and biomedical applications are presented with recent examples of biosensing setup.

  1. Antonacci, A., & Scognamiglio, V. (2020). Biotechnological advances in the design of algae-based biosensors. Trends in biotechnology, 38(3), 334-347.
  2. De Felice, M., De Falco, M., Zappi, D., Antonacci, A., & Scognamiglio, V. (2022). Isothermal amplification-assisted diagnostics for COVID-19. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 114101.
  3. De Falco, M., De Felice, M., Rota, F., Zappi, D., Antonacci, A., & Scognamiglio, V. (2022). Next-generation diagnostics: augmented sensitivity in amplification-powered biosensing. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 116538.
  4. Arduini, F., Cinti, S., Mazzaracchio, V., Scognamiglio, V., Amine, A., & Moscone, D. (2020). Carbon black as an outstanding and affordable nanomaterial for electrochemical (bio) sensor design. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 156, 112033.
  5. Attaallah, R., Antonacci, A., Mazzaracchio, V., Moscone, D., Palleschi, G., Arduini, F., & Scognamiglio, V. (2020). Carbon black nanoparticles to sense algae oxygen evolution for herbicides detection: Atrazine as a case study. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 159, 112203.
  6. Antonacci, A., Celso, F. L., Barone, G., Calandra, P., Grunenberg, J., Moccia, M., ... & Scognamiglio, V. (2020). Novel atrazine-binding biomimetics inspired to the D1 protein from the photosystem II of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 163, 817-823.
  7. Moccia, M., Antonacci, A., Saviano, M., Caratelli, V., Arduini, F., & Scognamiglio, V. (2020). Emerging technologies in the design of peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) based biosensors. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 132, 116062.
  8. Antonacci, A., Attaallah, R., Arduini, F., Amine, A., Giardi, M. T., & Scognamiglio, V. (2021). A dual electro-optical biosensor based on Chlamydomonas reinhardtii immobilised on paper-based nanomodified screen-printed electrodes for herbicide monitoring. Journal of nanobiotechnology, 19(1), 1-13.
  9. Castrovilli, M. C., Bolognesi, P., Chiarinelli, J., Avaldi, L., Cartoni, A., Calandra, P., ... & Scognamiglio, V. (2020). Electrospray deposition as a smart technique for laccase immobilisation on carbon black-nanomodified screen-printed electrodes. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 163, 112299.

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