
Opening remarks

2:00-2:10 Michele Saviano

2:10-2:20 Alfonso Franciosi

2:20-2:30 Martino Bolognesi

Scientific programme

First session - Chair: Alberto Cassetta

2:30-2:45 Luciano Cellai From Crystals to Biocrystals

2:50-3:05 Hans Brandstetter Blood and tears

3:10-3:25 Milton Stubbs One (or two) crystal(s) is worth a thousand words

3:30-3:45 Massimo Degano From serendipitous ligands to protein function: the plant PR-10 proteins

3:50-4:05 Kristina Djinovic-Carugo Does sarcomeric biogenesis start from liquid-liquid phase separation?

4:10-4:30 Coffee break

Second session - Chair: Silvia Onesti

4:30-4:45 Annalisa Pastore Why were we born to suffer?

4:50-5:05 Antonino Cattaneo On antibodies and neurotrophins

5:10-5:25 Francesca Paoletti Surfing the past, looking forward to the future…

5:30-5:45 Sandor Pongor Just a few words

5:50-6:05 Jure Stojan Covalent Bonding of Methanesulfonyl Fluoride to Torpedo Acetylcholinesterase Results in an Aged-like Inactivation Complex

6:10-6:25 Vittorio Venturi LuxR solos and cell-cell singling in bacteria

Concluding Remarks

Concluding Remarks

6:30-6:40 Giorgio Paolucci