Structural Insights into the Intracellular Region of the Human Magnesium Transport Mediator CNNM4

4 Oct 2021, 16:00
Talk Session


Dr Dritan Siliqi (CNR - Istituto di Cristallografia)


The four member family of “Cyclin and Cystathionine-synthase (CBS) domain divalent metal cation transport mediators”, CNNMs, are the least-studied mammalian magnesium transport mediators. CNNM4 is abundant in the brain and the intestinal tract, and its abnormal activity causes Jalili Syndrome. Recent findings show that suppression of CNNM4 in mice promotes malignant progression of intestinal polyps and is linked to infertility. The association of CNNM4 with phosphatases of the regenerating liver, PRLs, abrogates its Mg2+-efflux capacity, thus resulting in an increased intracellular Mg2+ concentration that favors tumor growth. Here we present the crystal structures of the two independent intracellular domains of human CNNM4, i.e., the Bateman module and the cyclic nucleotide binding-like domain (cNMP)1. We also derive, by Small Angle X ray Scattering (SAXS) as shown if Figure 1, a model structure for the full intracellular region in the absence and presence of MgATP and the oncogenic interacting partner, PRL-11. We find that only the Bateman module interacts with ATP and Mg2+, at non-overlapping sites facilitating their positive cooperativity. Furthermore, both domains dimerize autonomously, where the cNMP domain dimer forms a rigid cleft to restrict the Mg2+ induced sliding of the inserting CBS1 motives of the Bateman module, from a twisted to a flat disk shaped dimer.

1. Giménez-Mascarell, P.; Oyenarte, I.; González-Recio, I.; Fernández-Rodríguez, C.; Corral-Rodríguez, M.Á.; Campos-Zarraga, I.; Simón, J.; Kostantin, E.; Hardy, S.; Díaz Quintana, A.; Zubillaga Lizeaga, M.; Merino, N.; Diercks, T.; Blanco, F.J.; Díaz Moreno, I.; Martínez-Chantar, M.L.; Tremblay, M.L.; Müller, D.; Siliqi, D.; Martínez-Cruz, L.A. Structural Insights into the Intracellular Region of the Human Magnesium Transport Mediator CNNM4. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20, 6279.

Primary authors

Dr Dritan Siliqi (CNR - Istituto di Cristallografia) Dr Paula Giménez-Mascarell (Liver Disease Laboratory, Center for Cooperative Research in Biosciences (CIC bioGUNE)) Dr Iker Oyenarte (Liver Disease Laboratory, Center for Cooperative Research in Biosciences (CIC bioGUNE)) Dr Luis Alfonso Martínez-Cruz (Liver Disease Laboratory, Center for Cooperative Research in Biosciences (CIC bioGUNE))

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