A year in Antarctica

4 Oct 2021, 18:00
Talk Session


Mr Massimiliano Catricalà (CNR - Istituto di Cristallografia)


More than 1000km from the coast and at 3200m of altitude, the Concordia base is one of the 3 bases in the middle of the Antarctic plateau.
Temperatures that go down to -80 degrees have a great effect on activities.
During the long 4-month winter night a small group of people maintain the base and carry out measures and observers.
the National Research Program in Antarctica, PNRA, and the French Polar Institute, IPEV, are the bodies for the management and implementation of scientific and technological research programs in Concordia.
Sensations and observers in the Italian-French station of Concordia during the winterover 2019. Isolation and activities of the next 2022 campaign.
What does it mean to work in an extreme environment.

reference: https://www.ilmessaggero.it/scienza/la_spedizione_italo_francese_in_antartide-4370008.html

Primary author

Mr Massimiliano Catricalà (CNR - Istituto di Cristallografia)

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