12-15 September 2022
Europe/Rome timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline


The official language of the conference is English.


Participants are invited to submit a one-page abstract for Oral or Flash presentations or for a E-poster presentation not later than June 20th 2022.

Notification of acceptance for selected Oral, Flash or E-poster presentations will be sent to the authors by June 24th 2022.
If your Abstract will not be selected for Oral or Flash presentations, it will be accepted for an E-poster presentation.

Each participant can be the presenting author for only one submitted abstract (MS-01 to MS-13). However, every participant can be a non-presenting co-author on an unlimited number of abstracts. In addition, every participant can submit an abstract to MS-13 “Science & Society: from Dissemination to Communication”, even if he/she is the presenting author in one of the other microsimposia.

The template for the abstract preparation can be downloaded here.

Each file must be saved as follows:

"O_Familyname_Firstname_Microsymposium Number" (e.g. O_Johnson_Dave_MS-01)

or as

"F_Familyname_Firstname_Microsymposium Number" (e.g. F_Johnson_Dave_MS-01)

or as

"P_Familyname_Firstname_Microsymposium Number" (e.g. P_Johnson_Dave_MS-01)

and uploaded.

The accepted Abstracts will be included in the Conference Book of Abstracts as downloadable PDF made available to Conference participants. We offer the option to publish, on request, the accepted Abstracts in the open access journal SMART eLAB CNR - ISSN: 2282-2259 (https://calliope.cnr.it).


For each Microsymposium 3 Oral and 3 Flash presentations will be selected among the submitted contributions.
- Oral: 15 minutes (12 minutes + 3 minutes for discussion) are dedicated to each oral presentation
- Flash: 5 minutes are dedicated to each flash presentation


The official E-poster sessions are scheduled on :
- Tuesday September 13 from 12:15 to 13:15 (Session 1) and from to 17:00 to 18:00 (Session 2)
- Wednesday September 14 from 12:15 to 13:15 (Session 3) and from to 17:00 to 18:00 (Session 4)

Author(s) attendance is required.

6 Multimedia Totem UT1900 49” touch screen IR will be made available

Digital files must be provided as a single page PDF files in A2 portrait format (WxH: 420x594mm / 16,5x23 inches) having a resolution of 200 ppi (minimum: 150, maximum 300), exported as a PDF-A file.

Since the page will be a static image, do not invest your time in fancy PowerPoint animations because they will not be displayed.

Each file must be saved as follows: "eP_Familyname_Firstname_Microsymposium Number" (e.g. eP_Johnson_Dave_MS-01) and uploaded BEFORE SEPTEMBER 1st 2022. The E- Posters will be pre-loaded locally, but it is advisable that you bring the file with you.

The call for abstracts is closed.