12-15 September 2022
Europe/Rome timezone

‘Mineralogy 2022’: a worldwide celebration of mineralogy to highlight its importance in our everyday lives

12 Sep 2022, 18:20
-/-/- - Teatrino Basaglia (Parco San Giovanni)

-/-/- - Teatrino Basaglia

Parco San Giovanni

Oral presentation Mineralogy 2022


Prof. Giuseppe Cruciani (University of Ferrara)


Mineralogy 2022 (Min2022) belongs to the ‘International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development’ (IYBSSD2022) initiative approved by UNESCO. Major aims of Min2022 are i) to generate public interest in the science of matter and how it underpins most innovations and developments in our modern society, ii) attract young people to science through fascination with natural crystals, iii) illustrate the universality of science, iv) support the emergence of mineralogical societies in developing countries, especially those where natural resources are exploited, v) foster international collaboration between scientists worldwide, vi) promote education and research in mineralogy, crystallography and their links to other sciences, and vii) increase public awareness of the importance of natural resources.
Mineralogy is a very active and rapidly evolving field with a tremendous impact on many facets our society. Besides being the basis of geology, mineralogy is closely related to crystallography, which applies the fundamental principles of crystal symmetry to mineral crystal structures. The mineral diversity and evolution are indicators of planetary evolution including the beginning of life on the Earth. Mineral occurrence is therefore a key factor in planetary sciences including the remote search for life in exoplanets. Mineralogy is also essential in searching for new sustainable resources (strategic metals, critical raw materials, etc.) either from natural deposits or human-made products including wastes. There is growing interest in understanding the interaction between the mineral world and the biosphere, which often involves major implications for human health. The search for solutions to the global climate change due to CO2 release in the atmosphere relies upon the promising approach for carbon capture and storage by minerals. Mineral-inspired new materials are designed to help with control of environmental pollution and recovery of treated resources.
They main event will be a series of public lectures held during the General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association (IMA) in Lyon during mid-July [1]. A dedicated website [2] and Twitter [3] are available to promote the events organized by the 39 national societies belonging to IMA, including the Società Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia (SIMP) [4] and its Gruppo Nazionale di Mineralogia (GNM) [5].

[1] www.ima2022.fr
[2] www.min2022.org
[3] #Mineralogy2022
[4] www.socminpet.it
[5] www.socminpet.it/SIMP/GNM/

Primary author

Prof. Giuseppe Cruciani (University of Ferrara)

Presentation Materials