12-15 September 2022
Europe/Rome timezone

On the mechanism of cocrystal mechanochemical reaction via low melting eutectic: a time resolved in-situ monitoring investigation

14 Sep 2022, 11:45
DCPS Building C11/III Floor/- - Lecture Hall A2 (Università di Trieste)

DCPS Building C11/III Floor/- - Lecture Hall A2

Università di Trieste

Oral presentation Understanding Advanced Functional Materials Through Operando Studies MS


Paolo P. Mazzeo (Università di Parma)


Cocrystals, namely crystalline compounds made of different chemical entities, are typically synthetized in bulk via mechanochemistry. Whereas the macroscopic aspects of grinding are becoming clear,[1] the fundamental principles that underlie mechanochemical cocrystallisation at the microscopic level remain poorly understood.
Time-resolved in situ (TRIS) monitoring approaches have opened the door to exceptional detail regarding mechanochemical reactions.[2–4] We here report a clear example of cocrystallisation between two solid coformers that proceeds through the formation of a metastable low melting binary eutectic phase. The overall cocrystallisation process has been monitored by TRIS-XRPD with a customized ball milling setup and low-energy synchrotron beam. The reaction is complete in less than 5 seconds and the metastable formation of the amorphous-like phase is clearly spotted thanks to a fast data acquisition time of 500 ms.[5]
An insight on the details of the TRIS-XRPD data analysis for the real-time structure and microstructure investigation, generally applicable to all chemistry, will be also provided.[4]
The binary system and the low melting eutectic phase were further characterized via DSC, HSM, and VT-XRPD.

Primary author

Paolo P. Mazzeo (Università di Parma)


Michele Prencipe (Università di Parma) Torvid Feiler (bBAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing) Prof. Matteo Masino (Università di Parma) Prof. Franziska Emmerlign (bBAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing) Prof. Alessia Bacchi (Università di Parma)

Presentation Materials